It has been two months to the day since I wrote my last post. I didn't anticipate to be gone that long but I just had a few misdirections. I've been busy with life and all of it's trimmings. This will not be a long post but I just wanted to get back in the rhythm of things and there is no time like the present.
My, "Journey To Mayo", is in a holding pattern for the moment. I called the Arizona appointment line relentlessly to see when the January 2019 calender would open but I was told in the beginning of November that all patients seeking Doctors who specialize in Autonimic Dysfunction are going to be placed on a waiting list. Oh joy!...not really. It took my 9 months to see my first Automonic Doctor so it looks like I am back in the waiting game.
I've been a small, emphasizing small... bit of travelling. Things have been really interesting when I take a trip with my conditions and I have a post to share about what I did and how I made it, successfully, there and back. I have had another Tilt Table Test too.
Lastly, I just needed to get back in to blogging. I would stare at my computer, wanting to just write but I couldn't. I have several posts mapped out in my head but the computer might as well have been 1000 miles away. I decided that I was going to keep going because somehow I think it helps. Going to appointments and see well-schooled and well-paid individuals give me the Kanye Shrug whenever I inquire about my health, tells me that there is a need for first person information and experience.
I'm spending this last week in reflection if 2018. I should be back to close out the year.
One day at a time.